A few of the books that inspired Susan.
Billions & Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millenium (Carl Sagan)
Peace Is The Way: Bringing War and Violence to an End (Deepak Chopra)
Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life (Thich Nhat Hanh)
The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Ken Robinson with Lou Aronica)
The Lost Years: Surviving a Mother and Daughter’s Worst Nightmare (Kristina Wandzilak and Constance Curry)
Shortcut to a Miracle (Michael C. Rann & Elizabeth Rann Arrott)
Awakening the Buddha Within (Lama Surya Das)
Send Me Someone: A True Story of Love Here and Hereafter (Diana von Welanetz Wentworth)
The Artist’s Way (Julia Cameron)
Happiness is a Choice (Barry Neil Kaufman)
Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation (Shakti Gawain with Laurel King)
Legacy of the Heart (Wayne Muller)
All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (Robert Fulghum)
The Magic of Conflict: Turning a Life of Work into a Work of Art (Thomas F. Crum)
Chop Wood, Carry Water (Rick Fields)
About Susan
(1938 – 2012)
Susan made the phrase “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®” famous worldwide, but first she lived it. She helped millions of people throughout the world learn to overcome their fears, to heal their relationships, and to live with confidence and love, but only after she experienced those things herself through years of searching, learning, and self-discovery.
Susan was so excited to share the things she learned that first she became a teacher and then an author. After Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® became an international bestseller, she went on to write 16 more bestselling books, recorded many audios, became a sought-after public speaker, and TV and radio guest. What made her such a compelling author and speaker was her willingness to reveal so much of herself and the struggles she faced. With humor, she was able to connect to her readers in a way that is still unusual and much beloved.
Susan passed away in 2012, but her universal message of love and gratitude continues to touch people worldwide. For a short autobiography and longer description of Susan’s work, click here.
About Susan Jeffers Organization
At Susan’s company, we consider her work to be instrumental in helping people live their best lives. That is why we are continuing to promote her work today. From enabling us to learn that we can be our best despite our fears to learning how to be more in touch with our spiritual side, Susan has been an inspiration to millions of people, including those of us who are working to keep her work alive. Her husband, Mark, her close friend and co-author, Donna, her former assistant, Karrie, the head of Feel the Fear training, Rachael, and several others all support Susan’s memory by continuing to promote her good work through this website, on social media, and through training seminars.
Although Susan is no longer with us physically, her spirit lives on through her words and lessons. As her influence continues to grow, we at the Susan Jeffers Organization will keep her flame alive because there will always be a need for her unique advice and boundless compassion.