Affirmations Can Help Us “Act As If”

Susan was such a champion of affirmations. “I can handle it,” “It’s all happening perfectly,” and so many others to help us conquer our fears. Another affirmation, which appears in Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, is “I know that I count and I act as if I do.” This month we have been talking about using Susan’s “act as if” technique instead of making New Year’s resolutions. “I know that I count and I act as if I do” is the perfect affirmation to help.

“I know that I count and I act as if I do” is an amazing affirmation to adapt to whatever change you want to see in your life. Looking to eat healthier or exercise more, then try, “I know that I’m healthy and I act as if I am.” Get the idea?

Here’s another example, perhaps you want to save more money. Adapt the affirmation to: “I know that I can save more money and I act as if I do.” Maybe your goal is to spend less time and work and more time with your family. Adapt the phrase this way, “I know that I can balance my time and I act as if I do.”

Part of “acting as if” is remembering to embody the change you are trying to make. Affirmations are a fundamental tool when trying to change your way of thinking. Repeat as often as you can.