Combining Prayers of Trust and Gratitude

This month we’re talking about prayer and how it can help negate our anxiety and fear. In End the Struggle and Dance With Life, Susan explains three types of prayer that can help us feel more at one with the world: Prayer of trust, prayer of gratitude, and prayer of communion. The prayer of communion is less about telling and more about listening in order to connect with the world around us.

A prayer of trust is about letting go of control and turning over our worries to the Divine energy. Here is Susan’s example of a prayer of trust: “Dear God. I trust that no matter what happens in my life, it is for my highest good. And no matter what happens in the lives of those I love, it is for their highest good. From all things that are put before us, we shall become stronger and more loving people.

A prayer of gratitude is about acknowledging the beauty and blessings in our lives. Susan’s example goes like this: “I am grateful for all the beauty and opportunity you put into my life. And in all that I do, I shall seek to be a channel for your love.

You can also combine the two prayers to really reap the benefits of trust and gratitude.

A Prayer of Trust and Gratitude

Dear God, I trust that no matter what happens in my life, it is for my highest good. And no matter what happens in the lives of those I love, it is for their highest good. From all things you put before us, we shall become stronger and more loving people. I am grateful for all the beauty and opportunity you put into my life. And in all that I do, I shall seek to be a channel for your love.

When you repeat this prayer, you will find that your struggle will diminish and peace will enter your being as you send you loving energy out into this needy world. As Susan said, “It’s a sublime feeling, indeed.”