Thanking the Angels in Our Lives

Have you had an experience where an unexpected ‘Angel’ showed up to help? For example, you forgot your wallet and someone stepped up to pay for your lunch. Or when you’re having a bad day and a call from a friend cheers you up. How about when your car breaks down far from home and your brother drives out to get you?

These experiences are examples of Instant Angels, as Susan calls them in Life is Huge! All of us have benefited from angels helping us in both surprising tiny ways and in more obvious ways. As the holiday season is upon us, now is the perfect time to acknowledge those angels in our lives.

Susan suggested that, “Instead of us focusing on the decorative Angels that appear on our Christmas trees and storefront windows, we put our attention on the real life Angels, seen or unseen, who make (or who have made) our lives a little easier, who protect us from harm, who are the embodiment of Love. I then propose that we thank them in any way that we can…a phone call, a letter, a gift, or just sending them thoughts of light and love…even if they are no longer with us in bodily form.”

Saying thank you can be one of the most uplifting things you can do—for yourself and especially for the person who came to your “rescue.” All of us have down times, so when someone lets you know that they appreciate you, it can make a world of difference to your outlook. So why not do that for your own angels?

Susan recognized both sides of this situation—thanking and accepting thanks. She wrote, “Like all of you, there are times when I get tired and discouraged when things are not happening as I would like them to happen…and then I receive a special THANK YOU from one of you…whether in an email, a card, a letter, a beautiful customer review on an internet bookstore, a hug when I give a talk, or whatever. And I am filled with resolve and strength once again. You cannot imagine the great power of your THANK YOU’s. They make my heart sing.”

Make the heart of someone in your life sing this holiday season and know that you have brought more light into the world.