Looking for the Deeper Meanings in Affirmations

In Life Is Huge, in the chapter “The Surprising Power of Affirmations,” Susan wrote that even though affirmations are generally short, one-sentence phrases, their power comes from the meaning that underlies that simple sentence.

For example, take the affirmation, “I let go of my need to control everything around me.” On the surface this is pretty straightforward – needing to control things causes stress. However, if you think deeper you will discover that there is a lot more to this sentence.

“I release my fear about the outcome of all situations in my life,” wrote Susan. “I realize that the pathway to peace lies in my doing my best in all things and then letting go of the outcome. As I let go, I affirm my trust that whatever happens is for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. No matter what happens, I will look for and find the great learning that can come from all situations in my life. In so doing, I am filled with a sense of peace. Yes, I let go of my need to control everything around me.”

Another example is this affirmation, “I smile as I recognize the many blessings in my life.” Sure, it’s about expressing gratitude, but also expresses so much more. As Susan wrote, the deeper meaning of the affirmation is this: “Right now, I choose to put stressful thoughts aside and let the abundance in my life fill my being. I focus on the many things, big and little, that fill my life with joy—my family, my home, my friends, good food, the sunshine, my ability to help the world in  my own way—and all other aspects of life that nourish my soul. In so doing, my world becomes a beautiful place in which to live. Yes, I smile as I recognize the many blessings in my life.”

The deeper meanings of these affirmations are full of trust, love, and joy, but they are a bit wordy. Isn’t it nice to be able to tap into these radiant thoughts with just a simple, subtle affirmation?