Trust Isn’t About Understanding

In this month’s newsletter we’re talking about trusting the future which means trusting the Universe and its Grand Design. Here is an excerpt from End the Struggle and Dance With Life that further explores this idea: Developing this kind of trust, requires our constantly using our Spiritual tools. Even when…

Categorized as Trust

The Power of “Maybe”

The nontheistic religion of Jainism from India seeks to perfect one’s understanding of the self and the universe. They have a word, “syat,” that means “to the best of my knowledge at this time.” Practitioners of Jainism frequently add this word to conversations to remind themselves and others that this…

Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty

We’ve all heard this phrase before, “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” It was very popular in the 1990s and continues to inspire people today. It has inspired millions of people to do the thing that we’re discussing this month—perform acts of caring. According to Wikipedia,…