In order to recognize, and be grateful for, all the people who have supported us along our journey, we need to really look at all the work that goes into making our lives both comfortable and convenient. In End the Struggle and Dance With Life, Susan asks us to “Look…
Tag: self help
The Important Habit of Saying Thank You
This month we’re talking about recognizing and being grateful for the support we receive from other people. Showing our gratitude is the best way to be conscious of the help we receive. In End the Struggle and Dance With Life, Susan talks about “Cultivating the habit of saying, ‘Thank You.’”…
You Always Have a Choice in How You Feel
Lesson Seven of taking responsibility for our own experiences states that we must be aware of the multitude of choices we each have in any given situation. This statement makes it sound easy, but putting it into practice is hard—especially when our obligations seem to overwhelm us, our friends are…
The Seven Lessons of Responsibility
In this month’s newsletter article, we are talking about taking responsibility. In Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susan wrote about taking responsibility for not only our “experiences in life,” but even more importantly for our “experiences of life.” She talks about the Seven Definitions of Responsibility to help…
Creating Your Own Misery, Creating Your Own Joy
We all know the feeling—angry, upset, and sad because the world is making our life less than perfect. Our boss is mean, our friends aren’t there for us, other drivers cut us off in traffic, the store clerk was rude, we got a surprise bill from the electric company. On…
Why Being Connected to Our Higher Self Is So Important
This month we’re talking about using creativity to get in touch with our Higher Self. But why is being connected with our Higher Self so important? Susan explains it like this in End the Struggle and Dance With Life: We don’t have to live a life controlled by our need…
Even Famous People Feel Fear
Susan’s Fear Truth #4 tells us that we are not alone in our fear and that everyone feels fear when they try something knew. In Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, she uses the example of New York City mayor Ed Koch—an attorney, political commentator, TV personality, and a…
Why Is Trusting Ourselves So Hard?
Trust is a hard thing to come by, whether it’s trusting another person, or trusting ourselves. It’s hard to trust when we are fearful, when we are full of self-doubt, when we question our every move and decision worrying if it is “right” or not. It’s like a never-ending loop…
Learning How to Wonder
In Embracing Uncertainty, Susan gives us three variations on an exercise to learn how to cultivate a Wondering Life. Here is one of them. Give this exercise a try to see how much wonder there is in your life already. This variation of The “I Wonder” Exercise asks you to…
Wonder vs. Hope
In this month’s article, we’re talking about living in a state of Wonder. While hope can be a miraculous thing, it can also set us up for disappointment. As Susan wrote in Embracing Uncertainty, “Hoping can lead to a state of unhappiness if those very hopes are dashed. (And, of…